Organic Steel Cut Oatmeal with Flax

During the weekdays I like to keep things simple for breakfast. So for at least 2-3 days a week my husband I enjoy this simple dish for breakfast. I usually make it on Sunday evenings and then I’m all set … Continue reading

Ground Turkey Kebab Burgers

Ground turkey kebab burgers happens to be one of the popular brown bagged lunches at my home. I make it at least once every 10 days or so! It is pretty versatile in the sense you can make a proper … Continue reading

Flax – The Wonder Seed

Something that I’ve been using quite frequently in my recipes that is becoming increasingly popular is flax seed. When I first discovered it, I was amazed to find that it was not only simple to add to multiple recipes, but that it also had a myriad of nutritional benefits much beyond what I had initially expected. However, before sharing some of my favorite recipes, I’d like to briefly explain why people are beginning to call flax seed the ‘wonder seed.’  Continue reading