Quinoa (Poha) Savory Side Dish

Poha is a savory side dish that is very popular in India. Traditionally in India it is made with flattened rice flakes called Poha. They come dried in different thicknesses. People have Pohe at breakfast or as a snack during … Continue reading

Quinoa – Super food of the Incas

About a year ago, I started hearing about a grain called Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah). I even read a few articles about it in the magazines and on the Internet; furthermore, I saw it while watching Food TV – one of my favorite decadent pastimes 🙂  It definitely piqued my interest, but I was still hesitant to buy it. Then, I finally got to try it at one of the sampling sessions at Trader Joe’s. I wasn’t particularly impressed since it was quite bland. But I realized that this was an issue with the recipe and not the quinoa itself, which had a quite nutty flavor and was a bit chewy but “not bad.” It was well worth being creatively experimental with it! And boy did I experiment 🙂  Continue reading