Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes

We all know that it is strongly recommended to eat breakfast, especially with protein to help keep us satiated and to get our metabolism revved up for the day. For these reasons, having a protein-rich breakfast helps with natural weight loss. But knowing it and actually doing it are two very different things. I am a person who needs variety in their food 🙂 So it’s very boring for me to have the same old breakfast day after day. Usually in our house we used to reserve pancakes for our big Sunday breakfasts where I would make sausages and eggs for protein to complement the pancakes. But after creating my recipe for protein chocolate chip brownies, I began to wonder if I could make pancakes and waffles using the same concept. Pancakes would definitely add some variety to the breakfast menu! 

I began my experimentation soon afterwards, and here are the results! These protein chocolate chip pancakes are a complete breakfast by themselves. They are not carb and sugar heavy. Again, like most of my recipes, they are very flexible regarding the ingredients. If you are vegetarian, you can omit the eggs and add ground flax to compensate for the omega 3’s. If you don’t have the coconut flour or don’t like its flavor (I know some people don’t!), you can omit that and instead add extra oat flour. Regarding the protein powder, I use a vegetarian protein powder but it doesn’t make any difference as to which one you use.

These pancakes are very fluffy, unlike most things with protein powder! They also aren’t extremely sweet, just the way I like them. If you have more of a sweet tooth (like my husband and kids), you can increase the amount of chocolate chips. Another tip for busy people who always find themselves on-the-go is that that these can be made in advance for the entire week and you can just warm them up in a pinch. They even freeze really well so feel free to make them in bulk! One thing to keep in mind is that when you’re freezing them, keep a small square of parchment paper in between each pancake so that they don’t stick.

Enjoy them with maple syrup or fresh fruit!


Organic Oat flour – 1/3 cup

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Coconut flour – 2 T

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Organic Egg white –2

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1% organic Milk or Almond milk – ½ cup + 1/8 cup

Baking powder – ½ t

Chocolate Protein powder – 1 scoop

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Mini chocolate chips – 2 T

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Extra virgin olive oil/Canola oil – For cooking


  • Warm a cast iron skillet or any non-stick pan.
  • In a bowl mix all the dry ingredients, then add the beaten eggs and milk and whisk well. Batter should be of a pourable consistency.

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  • Drizzle a bit of oil on the pan and pour a ladle full of batter. Keep heat at medium or low.

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  • When that side is bubbling, flip it.

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  • After 30 seconds or so flip it again to check if other side is done.

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  • Enjoy with some maple syrup!

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 Nutritional Contents:

 Total Servings: 7

 Per Serving: 71 cal, Fat 2 g, Cholesterol 0.9 mg, Sodium 51 mg, Potassium 30 mg, Carbs 8 g, Fiber 2 g, Sugar 3.8 g, Protein 5 g


3 thoughts on “Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes

  1. Pingback: Quick Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Choices | Healthy Eats For All

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